Resources for Teachers & Staff
This year, each teacher has been allocated $200 to spend on classroom enrichment items. Please follow the steps below to request reimbursement from FOLA. If you have any questions about the reimbursement process, please email Jessie at or Amy at
How to request staff reimbursements from FOLA
Check with the school site to see if there is site money available to purchase items needed. If no site funds are available, purchase the items and then submit the Teacher Reimbursement Form to FOLA.
Complete the Teacher Reimbursement Form. The form is available for download here, or can be found in the yellow folder in the FOLA box in the mailroom.
Fill out the form completely
Attach all receipts
Ensure ONLY items you are requesting reimbursement for are on the receipts
Email your completed form and receipts to Jessie ( and Amy (, or leave the completed form with the attached receipts in the yellow folder in the FOLA mailbox.
Reimbursement requests will be approved by FOLA to ensure they support our mission: student enrichment
Reimbursement checks will be cut by the 15th of the following month and delivered via the method you select.​​